Mom Will Do Anything To Look Younger Than Me - KONTEN VIRAL

Mom Will Do Anything To Look Younger Than Me

i i'm sandy from los angeles. when i was born mom almost screamed with joy at the sight of me oh thank god she's beautiful it would have been so embarrassing if i had an ugly daughter here take her she handed me to the nurse while a team of stylists

swooped in to make her camera ready see my mom was a really famous actress and she thrived on her fame when she walked out of the hospital she stood on the stairs and lifted me up and the crowd waiting for her went wild what was i freaking royalty my childhood was just

about moving with mom all over the world wherever her next movie was i couldn't even join school and always had a tutor and i discovered something really soon i hated the attention as much as she loved it once i was six mom took me to her

movie premiere and i hated all the cameras and the screaming fans after the movie mom was speaking at a press conference when she suddenly turned to me my daughter absolutely loved it come on honey tell them when i saw all the cameras pointing at me i suddenly felt

really sick i wanted to say something nice but instead i just threw up all  over mom it was a big joke all over the news a picture of me puking on mom with the headlines what baby sandy thinks of her mom's new movie she was mad at me for days after that she hardly took me

to any events and i was so happy one time when i was 11 mom came and told me that the producers are offering her  roles to be a mother in the movies and that made her furious that they thought she was too old and she got into a deep depression the next day mom jumped on my

bed she looked super excited as she told me that a really big hollywood producer had moved in next door he's got a daughter your age sandy you're going to be her best friend so i can get close to him and he can offer me some fantastic role before i knew it she was marching

me over to the neighbors she rang the doorbell and hid behind the bushes a pretty girl opened the door and i started to speak but she put her hand up no no stop i don't talk to just anybody who are your parents anyone famous when i told her about mom she wrinkled her

nose she's kind of old news but i guess we can be friends whatever follow me i really didn't wanna but with mom signaling like crazy i went inside it turned out christine wasn't all that bad and we actually became good friends also her dad did end up offering mom a movie

role and she was ecstatic we soon started school together and when we walked in on the first day we were suddenly surrounded by a swarm of boys telling us how pretty we were christina and i soon rose to the rank of most popular girls and everyone wanted to be

friends with us i hadn't expected this sort of attention in school at all and i was enjoying it the only thing that bothered me was that christine could be really mean sometimes she'd mock people and make fun of them and i didn't like it at all but for some reason i never

said anything i just didn't know how to react at that moment in eighth grade a girl named nicole joined our class and i could tell that she wasn't as well off as the other kids here later in the cafeteria i saw her walking toward our table and i smiled at her but christine

suddenly knocked over her juice oh nicole don't just stand there clean this mess up um what i don't work here oh i'm sorry i got confused because your clothes look like janitors as all the girls

laughed i stared at christine in shock wait she was just kidding nicole come sit with us please ew what's wrong with you sandy can't you tell she's not in our league just look at how she's dressed and who

knows how often poor people even shower what if she has lice that's enough christine and then suddenly i slapped her are you are you crazy do you realize what you've just done yeah i should have done it

a while ago you're an awful nasty shallow person christine and i'm done being friends with you oh you're really gonna regret this and with that she stormed off with her friends

nicole turned to me and said thank you for standing up for me even though we're not friends hey from now on you can count on me as one and when i got home mom was waiting for me completely hysterical chrissy's dad just called to say that all my movie 

contracts are canceled why would you slap christine are you insane sandy go apologize to her right now no mom i can't be friends with her anymore she was horrible to this girl just because she's not as rich as and why is that your problem who are you

batman robin hood you're going to ruin my career because you want to be a hero hun you're so selfish really well i guess i learned that from you mom i stormed off to my room and slammed the door shut mom could be angry at me all she wanted i actually felt

relieved ending things with christine nicole and i grew close and we hung out all the time at school and even at home but mom just wasn't talking to me and she rudely walked off every time nicole was over she could be such a jerk but one day mom finally broke her silence

because she couldn't hold back her news i'm receiving a freaking emmy nomination for my last role you know the one before you ruined my rising career oh this will be so great for me everyone wants to cast an award-winning actress she was dancing around excitedly when suddenly

she slipped on something and landed hard on her butt she screamed like a banshee as i called an ambulance the doctor said she'd hurt her hip bone and would have to stay in bed for two weeks what oh no i can't i can't miss the emmys suddenly she turned to me of course you'll

represent me thank god you're pretty like me and you'll have to deliver the speech on my behalf in case i win i was horrified the last thing i ever wanted to do was to speak in public but mom wasn't really giving me a choice maybe she wouldn't win fingers crossed i

invited nicole to the event and it was fun to get all dressed up and go in a limo but as soon as we stepped out a swarm of journalists surrounded me you're jennifer's daughter right wow you're more beautiful than your mom when will we see you in a movie sandy as i

try to walk past them into the building i suddenly saw a snotty looking woman holding back nicole who are you and who invited you hey she's my guest check your list i sent you her name she found nicole's name but then she said fine she can go but you should have told

your friend not to dress in such shabby clothes this is a fancy event for elegant people not just anybody off the streets what i was so furious i was about to attack her but nicole held me back don't sandy let's not make a scene let's just go in but i was fuming with anger all

evening and then to make matters worse mom did win the freaking emmy and i had to make this speech oh my god was this actually happening nicole pressed my hand reassuringly but my legs were

trembling as i walked onto the stage good evening  everyone uh i'm sandy um here to take the award for um yes mom my throat was drying up and i was sweating like crazy and before i knew it i thrown

up on stage on national television mom was beyond furious she was acting like i ruined her golden moment on purpose and worse i was now a laughingstock at school christine especially was having a

glorious time look who's here is the puke machine you made my day sandy and it's not like your mom even deserved that award she was a loser till my amazing dad gave her

another chance better stay out of my way christine because your face makes me really sick i might puke on you any second i pretended to gag and she shrieked and ran off i'd hardly live down the emmy disaster when one morning i heard mom screaming and i ran down to

find her sitting on the floor hugging a newspaper and weeping mom what happened look at this it was a picture of mom at home walking around on crutches without any makeup the headline said the true

face of jennifer a tired faded old woman mom i'm really sorry
someone wrote this suddenly she turned to me with crazy eyes it's you you sent the newspaper my pictures what why would i do that oh

why did you throw up at my premiere and the emmys why did you end things with christine it's because you've always hated my career
and my fame and all you've done is try to ruin it mom you're

completely crazy how can you even think that about me why else would anyone do this and you're the only one who could have taken these pictures as mom walked away angrily i couldn't help thinking
there was only one person who could not christine she'd been out of town for the past two weeks it could only be nicole nicole looked shocked when i confronted her in school the next day and suddenly she burst into tears how could you think that sandy i

would never do such a thing go ahead see my phone see if there are any photos nicole was so upset i felt terrible for accusing her i told her i didn't need to check her phone and that i was sorry but then it just had to be christine maybe she sent one of her minions to spy on my

mom oh hello bestie it's so good to see you again hon who are you talking to psycho why nicole of course didn't she tell you how close we've become over the past couple of weeks shut up christine oh yeah we've been texting a lot and there are some

really fun pictures nicole sent me i wanted revenge on you sandy and this dummy made it so easy christine showed us her phone and i stared at the screen in horror those were mom's pictures nicole did that and also lied about it why why would you do

that and for christine of all people nicole looked at me her eyes blazing i didn't do this for christine i did it for me you think i'm too blind to see what your mom thinks of me she's no different from that woman at the emmys or anyone at the school i'm here on a

scholarship and i earned my spot here you were all bored with money and didn't do anything yet you look down on me i can't believe this i never looked down on you i loved you and trusted you but you took all your anger out on the wrong

person i know mom didn't treat you well but hurting her is hurting me and you chose to hurt me nicole please don't talk to me again i got up and walked away a couple of weeks later i was at the door of the girl's bathroom when i suddenly heard screaming from inside it

was nicole and christine give my books back christine they're so expensive do you dare throw them in the toilet oh i will dare i'll rip them in front of your eyes and flush them if you don't steal the exam from the teacher's office and put it in sandy's locker i'm not doing

that i never even meant to hurt sandy just give me my stuff back just then christine rip nicole's book and nicole attacked her as the two fought like crazy i was about to call the principal when i found her walking down the hallway she heard the screams and pulled

the two apart dragging them both out into the corridor this is completely unacceptable behavior you're both suspended wait ma'am i think you should see this and with that i showed her the video i made of the two on my phone when the principal saw how christine was

bullying nicole she immediately expelled her in front of everyone as christine stormed off angrily behind the principle nicole turned to me you came to my rescue again sandy i'm so sorry i let my resentment get the better of me what i

did was pathetic i heard the best friend i could ever have please please forgive me can we possibly start over i hugged her and forgave her and now we're best friends again

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