11 Easy Ways to Beat Winter Stress
Jumat, 07 Januari 2022
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Hey there, viewers! Winter blues or winter stress isn’t uncommon. Loads of people feel down as the cold weather sets in. Shorter days and less sunshine make matters worse. You might even experience fatigue, trouble sleeping, lack of concentration, and sadness during this season.
So what can you do to beat the winter blues? In today’s articels, we’ll talk about ways to reduce winter stress. Why should you maintain a healthy sleep routine? How can physical activity help?
Why should you skip news for a few days? What’s a 10x10x10 plan? We’ll talk about all of these AND more. Here 11 Easy Ways to Beat Winter Stress.
1. Maintain a healthy sleep routine
When it comes to mood regulation, sleep is a very important factor. When you don’t have regular sleep, your circadian rhythm becomes disturbed. When that happens, your cortisol rhythms also become disrupted and the production of hormones is impacted.
To deal with these sleep problems, you should stick to a routine that will help you get the rest you need. For instance, going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time is very helpful. Also, following a bedtime routine such
as taking a bath, drinking a cup of herbal tea or even switching off the lights can help you sleep. Sleeping in a room that is darkened and cool is also useful. When you wake up, it’s important you expose yourself to light as quickly as possible to stay awake.
Winter blues can often be confused with Seasonal Affective Disorder. You might need to work with a professional to figure out if it’s just winter stress, or SAD. When the winter season comes around, most people suffer some form of winter blues.
The stress is usually related to the weather, considering it’s dark most of the time.The sun rarely comes out, and people who stay indoors most of the time are hit with it the most. For some people, the impact is temporary and can be fixed by making some changes to
their lifestyle. But in some cases, it’s actually seasonal affective disorder. There are a few symptoms you can look for to figure out whether it’s just winter blues or a more severe form of depression. For instance, people with winter blues will have some trouble sleeping and will also
have issues with motivating themselves. People with SAD, however, tend to feel severe sadness during the winter season and fall months. They also have trouble sleeping a lot more frequently and will also lose their appetite. What does your sleep schedule look
2. You can depend upon your support system
One of the things that might be affecting your mood is loneliness and isolation. It’s important you keep in touch with your friends, family and co-workers on a regular basis to keep away from the blues.
When possible, you should go on walks, or even coffee dates with your friends. Do it with friends you know are going to boost your mood. Try staying away from people who are negative.
But what if you don’t have a support system around you? Maybe you’ve moved to a new city. In that case, you should pick up a hobby to keep busy. Do you love exercising? Possibly indoor sports? Whatever hobby you have, try working on it. Join an
online group related to your hobby, or enroll in new classes. You’ll meet lots of interesting people who share the same interests as you. Socialize, talk, and share your thoughts. That’ll keep you busy and will help fight the winter blues. Looking for answers on all the latest health
3. Skip the news
One of the reasons you might feel gloomy is because of the news. This is especially true in recent times. Most of the news we hear about are terrible events from around the world.
Whether it’s death from the virus, or political turmoil, it’s bound to affect you in some way. While you should be aware of what’s happening around you, you can give your brain a break from
time to time. Pick a time in the day, or break it up into small chunks of news consumption. If you consume news from social media, unfollow the more negative pages for a while,
or dedicate a time during the day to check these pages out. The rest of the time, just read happy updates to boost your mood. Those cat memes and dog
videos that make you laugh? Watch them instead.
4. Physical activity will alleviate your mood
One of the best ways to boost your mood is to do some physical activity. When you do your workouts, it reduces your depression and also brings down your stress levels. If you’re not used to doing workouts, you should start slowly before you build it up to a 60-minute
session each day. You can include things such as aerobic exercises, yoga and strength training. Apart from doing workouts, just stepping out into the sun for a few minutes a day can also be a mood booster. This can help people who are specifically affected by SAD.
5. Try the 10x10x10 plan
For people with the winter blues, it may be difficult to find the motivation to do any exercise. Lethargy is a big factor for anyone having trouble with physical activity. So, instead of doing it in one long stretch, you should try and divide it into sections of three.
For instance, if you wanted to do 30 minutes of walking, you can split that into 10 minutes at three different times. That way, you won’t be as overwhelmed. This will improve your mood. Before we continue, here’s another video you
might like. Watch and learn more about the natural ways to balance your hormones.
6. Sun is your new best friend
Trying to find sunlight should be one of the priorities for people dealing with SAD.When you don’t get enough sun, especially in the winter months, it can have an impact on your mood. When you get the sunlight you need, it will bring balance to your serotonin levels and
increase your melatonin. Getting exposure to sunlight also balances your circadian rhythm and improves your vitamin D levels. This helps you get in a better emotional state.
7. Light therapy can be helpful
If you have no chance of getting any sunlight, you need to resort to low-level interventions such as light therapy. If you’re diagnosed with SAD, this is one of the treatments commonly prescribed.
As part of this therapy, you’ll need to spend 20 minutes to an hour in front of the light box. A light box should be used from early fall all the way to spring.
8. Boost your mood with food You’re not going to feel better
until you get your diet in order. When you get the proper amount of protein with each meal, you’re going to feel a lot better. You also won’t be craving sugar and carbs as much.
In one study, it was found that people who suffer from depression also tend to have low levels of vitamin D. Things with vitamin D include fatty fish, egg yolk and cow's milk.
9. Seek professional help
I know you’re trying to make the right lifestyle changes, but sometimes, you’ll find it just doesn’t work. If that’s the case, you might have to seek professional help. Psychotherapy can help
with the treatment of depressive disorders. It will certainly benefit people suffering with SAD. Also, cognitive-behavioural therapy has been shown to be quite effective when it comes to SAD.
10. Consider medication
If you’re suffering with mood disorders, your doctor may also want to prescribe medication to help you. This is especially true in cases where it’s not just a simple case of winter blues.
For people with SAD, selective serotonin inhibitors are usually prescribed. There are other medications also available to treat sadness. For instance, the antidepressant bupropion (byoo-pro-pee-on) is also recommended to people who have SAD and need to help their mood.
It’s important that you don’t ignore your symptoms and do what you can to help your mood. If you feel down for too long, it can have long-term effects on your physical and mental health.
11. Laugh
You heard me! What’s the opposite of sadness? Happiness! And laughing can indeed make you feel happy. Experts say that laughter increases dopamine, a chemical that elevates your mood.
Laughing also oxygenates your body and cools down your stress response systems. This produces an overall calm, happy feeling. So get on Netflix, watch your favorite funny show, and feel better! Beating winter blues can be easy, but you’ll need to seek professional help
if you feel sad and stressed all year round. Depression and anxiety should never be ignored. Besides professional help, you can even try revamping your diet to help with your mental health. Here’s what you should know...
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