12 Of The Most Potent Weight Loss Metabolism Drinks - KONTEN VIRAL

12 Of The Most Potent Weight Loss Metabolism Drinks

Trying to lose weight You’ve probably already cut out high calorie
drinks like soda. Good move!

But did you know you can replace that soda with drinks that will boost your metabolism? This will help you lose weight.

In today’s articel, we’ll be talking about metabolism boosting drinks for weight loss. 

1. Fennel Tea

Fennel seeds are a great way to increase your metabolism and improve your digestion. These seeds are packed with nutrients as well.

While fennel seeds can be eaten, mostly as a mouth freshener, you can also make fennel tea to help your metabolism. Boil two cups of water and pour it into a pan, and add a teaspoon of fennel seeds.

Wait until it boils again. Before consuming, you can add some lemon juice and honey if you want to give it flavor.

Fennel tea can help you improve your metabolism, and as a result help with weight loss. It also helps get rid of bloating and constipation.

2. Mango Ginger Water

Ginger is a great way to boost your metabolism. It also has many other benefits, like acting as a pain reliever.

People suffering with migraine or menstrual cramps should try ginger and see if it works. Granted, drinking plain ginger water may not work.

This is why you should try out the mango ginger, as it’s both tasty and healthy. Peel about five quarter-sized slices of ginger, and put them in a pitcher.

Then add half a cup of either frozen or fresh mango. Add some ice at the top. Once you have it, fill the pitcher with water and close it.

3. Lemon Detox Water

It’s well known that lemon is packed with vitamin C. It contains citric acid and is rich in antioxidants, which help remove the toxins from your body.

As a result, your metabolism will improve. To prepare this drink, take two cups of water and squeeze a lemon into it.

If you want to make it healthier, you can add half a tablespoon of cinnamon, and another tablespoon of honey.

It can improve gut health, as well as give your drink some good flavor. You will need to mix it all up before consuming.

4. Apple Blueberry Cinnamon

Of all the fruits out there, blueberries have the most antioxidants. This is because blueberries have the compound flavonoid, which is the source of most of the antioxidants.

For this drink, you can use either frozen blueberries or fresh ones. If you’re using frozen ones, you will need to first heat them in your microwave for about

25 seconds so the juices come out easily. Fresh blueberries don’t need that. Once you have the blueberries, put a quarter cup in the pitcher, and crush them with a

fork or spoon. You can use one full apple for this drink, but cut them into thin slices. Add the apples into the pitcher along with two cinnamon sticks.

You can put ice on top of all this, and add water. You will need to leave the concoction in the refrigerator for an hour before you can drink it.

5. Ginger Lemon Drink

A ginger lemon drink can be great for your gastrointestinal tract, as it gives you the benefits of both ginger and lemon. It can help improve your metabolism, as well as get rid of bloating and cramps.

Also, the vitamin C and pectin in lemon can make it a good drink for improving your gut health. To make this drink, put one glass of water
in your mixer as well as some ice.

Sprinkle in some ginger and mint leaves before blending. Once that’s done, add one tablespoon of lemon. If you want to improve the taste even more, add a tablespoon of honey.

6. Gingerbread Tea

Gingerbread tea will not only improve your metabolism, it will also freshen your breath and help your upset stomach.

This drink is especially good on cold mornings. There are two methods for making this coffee. For the cup method, you can take one inch of vanilla bean and slice it while leaving the seeds.

Add one fresh piece of ginger that has been cut into coin pieces and one stick of cinnamon. If you want, you can also add a lemon that
is sliced into rings.

Once you have all the ingredients, just add hot water. With the teapot method, the seeds are left out once again. Put all the other ingredients in the teapot and fill it with water. Wait until it boils, and then add lemon.

7. Cumin Cinnamon Drink

Cinnamon is packed with antioxidants and can help you lose weight. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which are effective in fighting diabetes.

Cumin is equally beneficial and good for your digestion. To prepare this drink, you need to add the cumin seeds and cinnamon to a big saucepan.

Add one glass of water, and let it boil for about five minutes. Once done, strain the water, and drink it while it’s still warm. If you want to enhance the taste, you can add a bit of salt, or even lemon and honey.

8. Apple Cinnamon Water

Having both apples and cinnamon are a great way to increase your metabolism.

To make this drink, you can make use of Fuji or Honeycrisp apples. They’re the sweetest ones around.

Take one apple and make thin slices out of them. Put some of them at the bottom of your pitcher and add one cinnamon stick.

Put ice on top of and fill it with water. Place the drink in the refrigerator for an hour. After that, it’s good to drink. Add some more apples if the flavor’s too light.

9. Berry Blast

You will need a bag of frozen berries to make this drink. That way, you can have different berries handy while preparing it.

Even a handful of these berries are enough to make a drink that will burn your fat and boost your metabolism. Take a large pitcher, and add slices of orange and lemon.

Then, add the berries. Add ice on top and fill it with water. Once again, keep the drink in the refrigerator for an hour.

10. Hot Apple Cinnamon Tea

It’s not just lemon! Apples are also a great source of vitamin C. Along with that, they also have a compound called polyphenol, which comes with benefits like low blood pressure levels, and decreasing

the chances of suffering a stroke. This can also be made with two methods. With the cup method, you put the apple slices and the cinnamon stick into a cup and pour

hot water on it. With the teapot method, you add the ingredients
in a teapot and fill it with water. Let the water boil and serve.

11. Ajwain Tea

Ajwain is a plant that produces small, seed-like fruits similar to caraway and cumin. Ajwain has a unique flavor that adds a delicious
taste to your food.

But this spice is also used for its ability to help digest and eliminate the food easily. We all know how important a good digestive system is for preventing weight gain and shedding extra pounds.

Being rich in antioxidants, ajwain helps flush out toxins from your body and improve your metabolism. So, how do you make it?

It’s simple! Soak half a teaspoon of ajwain and one teaspoon of cumin seeds in water for about 4 hours. Boil the water for 5 minutes, and strain the tea. 

Add a few drops of lemon juice and raw honey. Your delicious ajwain tea is ready to drink.

12. Tart Cherry Juice

Here’s a sour drink that can fire up your metabolism and help you lose weight.

We’re talking about tart cherry juice. A shot of this drink can help you reduce the inflammation and muscle pain you experience after an intense workout.

You don’t need to buy it from the supermarket. You can instead make tart cherry juice from home. You’ll need 2 lbs of tart cherries, 4 cups
of water, and some sugar.

Wash and clean the tart cherries, remove the stems, and leave the pits. Combine the water and cherries into a deep pot and bring it to a boil. Let them simmer for 20 minutes.

Drain through a fine mesh strainer, pressing the fruit to release more juice. Pour the drained juice back into the pot and add sugar. Heat the pot and keep stirring until the sugar dissolves.

You can now pour the tart cherry concentrate into hot bottles and close the lid tightly. Since there is sugar in the tart cherry juice, we recommend you dilute it and drink.

Only one shot at a time! Weight loss drinks are great, but there are
so many other things you can do to get in

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